On December 8, between 14:00 and 16:30, four to five groups of students from the Instituto Buena Bista will perform the street-art performance Sandmapping on five routes in Punda. The group will then walk via the pontoon bridge accompanied by the PCD brassband to the brion square, where a final composition will be performed.

During this street-art performance, students make circles of sand on the street, like a compass on paper. With nothing more than a rope and a bottle of sand, they ask passers-by to lend their leg to be the center of the circle.

The circles of sand are temporary, the wind and walkers quickly causing the drawings to fade. Magical at one point, faded at another.

With this street-art performance, the students connect the city to the people who use it.

This project, which has previously been performed internationally at central locations in places such as Amsterdam, The Hague and Paris, was created and is supervised by the artist duo PolakVanBekkum who are currently doing an artist in residency at IBB on Curacao.

For more information:

Ivar van Bekkum (tel. 6951991) & Esther Polak, and Instituto Buena Bista (5132657).

Attached are some web pages of previous performances of Sandmapping and the page of IBB where PolakVanBekkum are listed as artist in residence.