Our artist in residence in the Mondriaan Fonds program Paul Devens just closed off the first part of his residency at IBB. During his stay here on Curacao he was of immense help in getting our audio studio back to a workable state and even brought a good amount of gear we can use with the students.

He also provided our students with a workshop where they learned how to use sound and music in a creative and artistic fashion. As part of this workshop the students made their own musical instruments from materials they had laying around their ateliers and in the IBB yard. Together they formed the Buena Bista BareBone Band. This band plays improvisational techniques created by John Zorn for his Cobra composition. In this composition style there is no predetermined musical score. The musicians are directed using flash cards with instructions on them that they need to follow. In this way they are continuously improvising the music and creating new pieces every time they play.

At the end of the week the students even got to perform on national television in the morning show.

Check the pictures for an idea of the workshops and the presentation at Tera Cafe in Otrabanda.