15 Jul 2020 | 1,090 views
Feminista vs Machismo
220 x 78 x 52 , Installation/ Sculpture, 2019
Eugenie Boon born 1995, Curacao, currently living in The Hague.
Graduating in June, 2020 at the University of Arts Utrecht, Fine Art Department with focus on intermedia. Her works revolves around her upbringing on the island of Curacao and the island’s historical relation to the Netherlands. In her attempt to understand the subtle complexities she encounters in her daily life experiences through topics like religion, colonialism, gender, inequality and identity and duality comes back in her performances, installations ,video works and paintings. In a shamanistic, playful, poetic yet still critical way, her projects questions social-political issues and cultural vs institutional structures in which the spectator is challenged to recognise their self and perhaps reflect on their own position.