23 Sep 2011 | 5,855 views
Instituto Buena Bista, in cooperation with the Fund for the Visual Arts in Amsterdam, has had the artist Liesbeth Labeur as a guest in it’s guest program for Dutch artists. She is working on a graphic novel for which she did some research during her stay on Curacao. The book shall be published early next year, but during her presentation on coming 28th of September you shall be able to see her preparatory work for this publication.
Liesbeth Labeur lived as a “Shell child” for ten years on Curacao in her youth. She studied fine arts at the AKV St. Joost in Breda, The Netherlands. Her artworks have a modern and graphic character. Like her glossy “Calvijn!” (2009) about Johannes Calvijn, the 16th century reformer, that was sold out in a day, or her graphic novel “Op weg naar Zoar (On the road to Zoar)” (2010) that has been proclaimed the literary comic of that year.
Her new book deals with the waning days of the Shell corporation on Curacao. Nanzi stories in an 80s jacket, told by people that came to Curacao on different ships; Oil tankers. “Sometimes worlds fit nicely together, but sometimes there’s contention. In my head and heart they always fit and otherwise I look for it in my work” says Labeur about her works.
Alongside her research work Labeur established a ‘Monument for Shell.’ With the help of some IBB students she made a mural on a wall in Curacaostraat. There are more murals in Otrobanda depicting important historical events, like the 1969 riots. This project was partly made possible by the input and cooperation of the Monumentenfonds (Michael Newton) and the owner of the painted house, Fundashon Kas Popular (KFP).
On another note: the 27 IBB students have started with a lot of energy on the new school year. After the “portrait” workshop with David Bade the students moved on to making a book with Liesbeth Labeur. The final works shall be exhibited during Labeurs presentation.
You are all welcome to this presentation on the 28th of September starting from 18:00h at Instituto Buena Bista, Orkidia Pavilion (Capriles Clinic), Mohikanenweg 8. Entrance is free.
For more information: liesbethlabeur.nl or institutobuenabista.com