25 Oct 2010 | 3,780 views
In a sometimes sarcastic and willingly provocative manner, Boclé questions the blockages and circulations between present and past, individual narrative and history. His work is a poetic and political approach of the contemporary world marked by «a chaotic Us, the Holly Marchandise, the migrations, exile, exclusion, the exchange, the loss»(1). He brings closer together his childhood in his « immeasurable island »(1), until the age of 15, the experience of being taken away from his native land, and history, which is the history of his continent, America, the history of the «divisions of the world, in Valladolid, Berlin, Versailles, Yalta, or Davos»(1)
More info about this artist and their project at IBB will be added at a later time.
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Zien in de wolk van chaos (dutch article)
Tekst: Lisette Keus Van oorsprong is Boclé (1971) afkomstig uit Martinique, maar hij verhuisde op zijn veertiende naar Frankrijk. Daar studeerde hij onder meer ‘Moderne Literatuur’ aan de Sorbonne Universiteit en volgde opleidingen aan de ‘Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts’ in zowel Bourges als Parijs. Zijn cv is indrukwekkend en zegt veel over Boclé als […]
Press Release: Lecture artist Jean Francois Boclé at IBB
The most significant occurrence in the life of an immigrant is ‘leaving’. Leaving your home ground, entering a new world, wherever that is; your point of reference is forever vividly engraved in your memory.
Leaving Martinique at the age of 14, artist Jean Francois Boclé (Fort-de-France, ’71) moved to France, the motherland. In a way […]
La Boca
Artist Jean Boclé has been keeping a diary of his workshop with the IBB students on his site. It can be found here http://www.jeanfrancoisbocle.com/site.php?itemid=34&id=280&genre=6&idversion=290&idsub=48 and provides an insight into the workshop and some images that were taken.