8 Dec 2009 | 10,380 views
Modern media had great influence on our daily life, maybe more than we sometimes realize. The work of Lydia Schouten gives us an awry look behind these influences and at the same time pours it over us. In the eighties she used the seduction techniques of the media to create a dream world, full of self experienced adventures looked at from the real world. Her installations confront us with our desires, especially the sensual and sexual gaze. We are driven by loneliness en uncontrollable urges, “We worry about things that are happening somewhere else and experience them in a surrogate way. Our bodies can be somewhere while our minds are somewhere else. This makes up impotent, unsatisfied and sometimes-even feel guilty. We are always on the wrong spot, we disregards ourselves and do not value the world we are interacting with…”
Dear friends of IBB, After our last newsletter in November we are working hard to send you information on IBB activities on a more regular bases. Every 2 months we want to give you all an update of IBB latest news and interesting projects that are coming up. Artist in Residence: Lydia Schouten From the […]
Press Release: Lydia Schouten Presentation Tuesday January 12th 2009
Over the last three months the IBB (Instituto Buena Bista, Curaçao) in cooperation with the Dutch BKVB Fund welcomed visual artist Lydia Schouten as her guest resident. This ‘Grande dame’ of Dutch contemporary art worked with our students next to her autonomous project. This Tuesday January 12th from 7.30 pm we hereby invite everyone for […]
Newsletter November 2009
Dear friends, This year for our orientation course we started early September with an exciting project we will tell you more about below. We are proud to inform you that we started this new course with 13 new students who will work on their portfolio at IBB. Together with the 9 students that stayed at […]